If you are asking yourself this question, you may have witnessed some behaviors that have you wondering: ‘Is this typical?’ The best advice to give parents is to request an Occupational Therapy consultation. A consultation is a short meeting between the therapist, child and the caregivers. This meeting allows you as the caregiver to express your concerns with a trained and board certified therapist. The therapist can guide development in age appropriate motor skills, feeding skills, socialization, language, and many more behaviors and developmental milestones. At the consultation, you can decide together if a more in-depth observation is needed.
Below is a checklist of milestones from Birth – 5.5 Years of Age:
Y N closes fingers around object/ closes hand into tight fist
Y N alert and interested in sights and sounds
Y N turns head towards sounds
Y N lifts and turns head part way while laying on belly
Y N brings hands to mouth
3-5 Months:
Y N reaches for an object in view
Y N brings both feet to mouth
Y N can balance while in sitting
Y N begins to transfer items from hand to hand
Y N hands come together in play
Y N uses mouth to explore objects in environment
Y N strong gag response, rooting reflex
Y N visually tracks an object from side to side
6-8 Months:
Y N rolls from back to stomach
Y N looks for objects when they disappear from sight
Y N sits alone without support
Y N plays peek-a-boo
Y N picks up two small objects with one hand
Y N independently bottle feeds self without a mess
Y N drinks out of a cup with help
Y N feeds self cracker or cookie
Y N eye movements independent of head movements
9-11 Months:
Y N attends to a book or toy for 2 minutes
Y N raises to hands and knees
Y N “cruises” furniture and walls
Y N from stomach, raises to sitting position to reach for a toy
Y N pulls self to stand, and lowers back down
Y N imitates a scribble
Y N picks up a spoon by the handle
Y N removes socks and unties shoes
Y N imitates adults use of tools, such as combing hair
Y N attempts spoon-feeding
Y N picks up small objects using thumb and finger grasp
12-14 Months:
Y N builds a tower of 2 or more blocks
Y N marks with a pencil or crayon
Y N puts small objects in a cup or container
Y N plays with other children side by side
Y N climbs up on furniture or a chair
Y N walks without help
Y N insists on feeding self
Y N drinks from a cup without help
Y N creeps up two steps on hands and knees
Y N kneels/stands by self without help
Y N throws small ball
Y N opens book and turns a few pages at a time
Y N stirs spoon in a cup
Y N helps a little when being dressed
Y N points to objects, toys, or people
Y N waves to people
15-24 Months:
Y N walks backwards several steps
Y N stacks a tower of 4 or more blocks
Y N kicks a ball forward with good balance
Y N jumps forward 4 inches without falling
Y N stoops to pick up a toy without falling
Y N grasps marker with thumb and first finger, wraps remaining fingers around marker
Y N turns 3 pages in a book
Y N feeds self with a spoon and eats with a fork
Y N points to two of own body parts
2- 2 ½ Years:
Y N places 1 foot on each step, walks up 4 steps
Y N draws a vertical line
Y N runs; walks sideways and backwards
Y N initiates overhand throw and underhand throw
Y N removes screw on lid from a bottle
Y N stacks 8 -10 blocks
Y N strings 2- 4 beads on a shoelace
Y N identifies 2 body parts from a picture
2 ½ – 3 Years:
Y N washes and dries hands independently
Y N cuts with small scissors
Y N plays pretend games
Y N catches soft objects with both hands
Y N can jump down from one foot heights
Y N can string large beads on a shoelace or string
3- 3 ½ Years:
Y N hops forward on one foot, then the other foot
Y N runs with arms moving back and forth
Y N cuts paper into small pieces
Y N traces horizontal line
Y N unbuttons (only) large buttons
Y N undresses self with some help
Y N toilet trained
Y N rides tricycle using pedals
Y N draws or copies a complete circle
3 ½ – 4 Years:
Y N hops forward on one foot, then the other
Y N dresses and undresses with some help
Y N buttons and unbuttons large buttons
Y N carries out a series of 3 directions
Y N paints with a crayon/brush over the full page
Y N learning to take turns during a game
Y N plays make-believe games with other children
Y N cuts across and down paper with scissors
4 – 5 ½ Years:
Y N completes a forward roll accurately
Y N touches each finger to thumb
Y N draws a man with a head and legs
Y N compares different textures like soft or smooth
Y N names heavier of two objects in hands
Y N hops on one foot
Y N able to walk the full length of a balance beam
Y N participates and enjoys group interactions
Y N copies a (+) “plus sign” and a “V”
Y N dresses/undresses except for laces and back buttons, some zippers and snaps
Y N eats with a fork and spoon
5 ½ – 6 Years:
Y N with hands on hips, jumps back and forth across a line
Y N accurately imitates arm movements/ copies Simon Says postures
Y N draws a six part unmistakable man
Y N points front, back, near, up, down, with eyes closed
Y N aware of, but confuses left from right
Y N in pictures identifies objects that are beside, between, in middle, in front of
Y N bounces and catches small ball
Y N folds paper in half twice with edges parallel
Y N draws a triangle from a copy
Y N runs and skips
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Last Updated: October 6, 2018 by Casey
Does My Child Need OT? A Checklist
If you are asking yourself this question, you may have witnessed some behaviors that have you wondering: ‘Is this typical?’ The best advice to give parents is to request an Occupational Therapy consultation. A consultation is a short meeting between the therapist, child and the caregivers. This meeting allows you as the caregiver to express your concerns with a trained and board certified therapist. The therapist can guide development in age appropriate motor skills, feeding skills, socialization, language, and many more behaviors and developmental milestones. At the consultation, you can decide together if a more in-depth observation is needed.
Below is a checklist of milestones from Birth – 5.5 Years of Age:
Y N closes fingers around object/ closes hand into tight fist
Y N alert and interested in sights and sounds
Y N turns head towards sounds
Y N lifts and turns head part way while laying on belly
Y N brings hands to mouth
3-5 Months:
Y N reaches for an object in view
Y N brings both feet to mouth
Y N can balance while in sitting
Y N begins to transfer items from hand to hand
Y N hands come together in play
Y N uses mouth to explore objects in environment
Y N strong gag response, rooting reflex
Y N visually tracks an object from side to side
6-8 Months:
Y N rolls from back to stomach
Y N looks for objects when they disappear from sight
Y N sits alone without support
Y N plays peek-a-boo
Y N picks up two small objects with one hand
Y N independently bottle feeds self without a mess
Y N drinks out of a cup with help
Y N feeds self cracker or cookie
Y N eye movements independent of head movements
9-11 Months:
Y N attends to a book or toy for 2 minutes
Y N raises to hands and knees
Y N “cruises” furniture and walls
Y N from stomach, raises to sitting position to reach for a toy
Y N pulls self to stand, and lowers back down
Y N imitates a scribble
Y N picks up a spoon by the handle
Y N removes socks and unties shoes
Y N imitates adults use of tools, such as combing hair
Y N attempts spoon-feeding
Y N picks up small objects using thumb and finger grasp
12-14 Months:
Y N builds a tower of 2 or more blocks
Y N marks with a pencil or crayon
Y N puts small objects in a cup or container
Y N plays with other children side by side
Y N climbs up on furniture or a chair
Y N walks without help
Y N insists on feeding self
Y N drinks from a cup without help
Y N creeps up two steps on hands and knees
Y N kneels/stands by self without help
Y N throws small ball
Y N opens book and turns a few pages at a time
Y N stirs spoon in a cup
Y N helps a little when being dressed
Y N points to objects, toys, or people
Y N waves to people
15-24 Months:
Y N walks backwards several steps
Y N stacks a tower of 4 or more blocks
Y N kicks a ball forward with good balance
Y N jumps forward 4 inches without falling
Y N stoops to pick up a toy without falling
Y N grasps marker with thumb and first finger, wraps remaining fingers around marker
Y N turns 3 pages in a book
Y N feeds self with a spoon and eats with a fork
Y N points to two of own body parts
2- 2 ½ Years:
Y N places 1 foot on each step, walks up 4 steps
Y N draws a vertical line
Y N runs; walks sideways and backwards
Y N initiates overhand throw and underhand throw
Y N removes screw on lid from a bottle
Y N stacks 8 -10 blocks
Y N strings 2- 4 beads on a shoelace
Y N identifies 2 body parts from a picture
2 ½ – 3 Years:
Y N washes and dries hands independently
Y N cuts with small scissors
Y N plays pretend games
Y N catches soft objects with both hands
Y N can jump down from one foot heights
Y N can string large beads on a shoelace or string
3- 3 ½ Years:
Y N hops forward on one foot, then the other foot
Y N runs with arms moving back and forth
Y N cuts paper into small pieces
Y N traces horizontal line
Y N unbuttons (only) large buttons
Y N undresses self with some help
Y N toilet trained
Y N rides tricycle using pedals
Y N draws or copies a complete circle
3 ½ – 4 Years:
Y N hops forward on one foot, then the other
Y N dresses and undresses with some help
Y N buttons and unbuttons large buttons
Y N carries out a series of 3 directions
Y N paints with a crayon/brush over the full page
Y N learning to take turns during a game
Y N plays make-believe games with other children
Y N cuts across and down paper with scissors
4 – 5 ½ Years:
Y N completes a forward roll accurately
Y N touches each finger to thumb
Y N draws a man with a head and legs
Y N compares different textures like soft or smooth
Y N names heavier of two objects in hands
Y N hops on one foot
Y N able to walk the full length of a balance beam
Y N participates and enjoys group interactions
Y N copies a (+) “plus sign” and a “V”
Y N dresses/undresses except for laces and back buttons, some zippers and snaps
Y N eats with a fork and spoon
5 ½ – 6 Years:
Y N with hands on hips, jumps back and forth across a line
Y N accurately imitates arm movements/ copies Simon Says postures
Y N draws a six part unmistakable man
Y N points front, back, near, up, down, with eyes closed
Y N aware of, but confuses left from right
Y N in pictures identifies objects that are beside, between, in middle, in front of
Y N bounces and catches small ball
Y N folds paper in half twice with edges parallel
Y N draws a triangle from a copy
Y N runs and skips
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